Tuesday, May 20, 2008

the last man....stand

Mahathir ... i dont know what this old guy up to... but he surely have balls(gut)

i grew up in his era...and i think he have done a good job...

people in UMNO said Che Det was dictator in cabinet meeting... but i say Tun (hard working guy) was the only person who participate in the meeting...all ideas came from him.... the others are just stupid because they are so lazy and cant come out with good ideas just like Che Det... so dont blame Tun just because now you can give your stupid ideas in Pak Lah cabinet meeting

one thing that i like about him is ..... book worm... so much too learn from this guy about his 'addict' to book

Pak Lah ...on the other hand.... have this innocent attitude(face on media) to protect his interest(family)....lack of beauty sleep

but what the hack... the news yesterday make me very happy...Tuan Guru Nik Aziz too are very happy

Tun does walk the talk ... unlike Pak Lak walk sleeping

so Tun your steps will be follow by other UMNO members... and UMNO should ask ...WHO WILL HAVE THE LAST LAUGH?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

maybe its time...just a thought

i sincerely believe and support Lim Guan Eng to take over DAP from his father and Karpal

its high time for DAP, to reinvent their new leaders that i believe can have better pact with others Pakatan Rakyat component

its not that both seniors are burden to DAP... just a thought from me that we could do better without both of them

i'm not frustrated, just observation that i've made with a few of my colleague... they thought of it too

so why not i just share it with you guys

uncle Lim and Karpal... no hard feeling yeah

Monday, May 12, 2008

bekerja untuk UMNO atau kerajaan

dengan siapa sebenarnya kakitangan awam bekerja... kerajaan atau UMNO

sepatutnya 2 entiti ini dapat dibezakan dengan jelas sekali... tindak tanduk sesetengah penjawat awam yang terlalu takut kepada pemimpin politik SETEMPAT wajar dibuang jauh-jauh ke dalam LONGKANG

sebagai pelaksana dasar dan polisi... kebenaran terhadap fakta kepada siapa kita berkhidmat mestilah jelas dalam fikiran... jangan lah terlalu taksub hendak melaksanakan WAHYU mereka ini, sehingga TERKORBAN di kemudian hari... sebabnya wahyu datang dari mulut, bukannya arahan rasmi yang bertulis... disinilah kelemahannya bila penjawat awam didakwa tuduhan rasuah...pelaksanaan arahan dibuat tanpa melalui prosedur yang betul, akhirnya MANGSA lah yang sengsara

nak salahkan ahli politik... mereka cuma pandai beri arahan( terutama yang ada dalam UMNO ) ... tak buat....ko sedia lah pindah dalam masa 24 jam

jadi... lawan jer arahan mereka...jika tidak suruh aja mereka ni buat sendiri arahan tu( arah, buat surat, bayar kontraktor )