Friday, February 27, 2009

ameno youth gangsterisme..i'm badly injured mentally

the chaos made by them at the parliament make me feel want to puke

Who would be so racist at this point of time that lodged over 100 report against karpal? With two live bullet later?

Go figure the logic behind it(put yourself in professional police shoes..think about the motive)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

lebih banyak seleweng jika nilai sebutharga naik 500k

lebih mudah diseleweng kerana jkr tidak akan dirujuk oleh jabatan bukan teknik

Perunding pula lebih mudah dibeli untuk sahkan kerja tidak ikut spesifikasi

Banyak nyawa akan terkorban bila berada dalam premis tak ikut speks

Monday, February 23, 2009

kau mengaku salah..penjara sehari je!!!

itulah penambah 'baik' kepada SPRM 2009

Ianya untuk menggalakkan kes ditutup cepat bagi penjawat awam yang terbabit

Kalau dulu minimum penjara 14 hari

Lepas ni penjawat awam yang ada kabel politik berlumba buat rasuah..lepas penjara sehari boleh apply kerja semula

Lawak 3X Mesia bleh

Friday, February 20, 2009

Ibrahim Ali - TG Nik Aziz must admit he made a mistake

Giving way for Pasir Mas was a huge mistake made by PAS

TG Nik Aziz not 'maksum'

He must admit it in public

Sorry to say this to my beloved party but Ibrahim was a DISASTER to us

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

RM6million for KT canopy rental..overpriced for buy-election

With that kind of money...someone have become the new OKB aka orang kaya baru

It does not make any sense

Are the person in charged of the procurement at KDN make any research before issuing the Local Order to supplier?

Are there any tender carried out? Was it in line with the procedure?
Was it an emergency procurement for the benefit of somebody who have leave the ministry recently?

Waste of public money!!!

another umno mentality..judge must be umno like zaki

another brick in the wall have ask blogger to expose the truth behind it

Less we forget about umno sin

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

tak bogel pun... Nak resign.. Tak perlu

setakat gambar tengah tidur..pakai kain batik, terkangkang..normal la tu

yang tak normal si photographer

kes CSL tahun lepas memang betul pasal secret affair dia

Yang ni tak affair pun..pak mat tempe bz2 ni..dia dalang ke?

Monday, February 16, 2009

no such pix circulated.. Eli jangan gelabah

rileks ok.. Your case are much different from soi lek

CSL video are real.. You maybe super impose

Selagi tak keluar.. Dont worry

Ali crab...genius gila babi

MBMB will acquire Melaka Sentral from the state government for value over RM60 million

They will sought the matter to bankers for financing

The high risk loan will be bear by MBMB under Yusof Jantan tenure

So is it true, Mat Saleh sudah kena main dengan Ali Crap?

Bankers should consider high value collateral for this loan... Maybe it would be cimb, ex-employer of mat saleh who shall be cautious.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

PR component must follow PAS style

Determining a by-election candidate are a difficult task.

PAS have always refer to the Al-Mighty for guidance and others should too.

It is difficult for other party to oversee wether their candidate truely sincere towards the party except for one when TG Nik Aziz proposes Ibrahim to become candidate in Pasir Mas... what to do, it already happen.

So please be careful THIS TIME.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ada ke anak raja lulusan bidang agama? Nape takde

yang biasa sumenya lulusan arah western kan

Pasal apa diorang tak suka anak bijakpandai dalam agama?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Now, criminal can buy property in Malaysia!

Under the programme Malaysia My 2nd Home, the minister in-charged have proposed to drop the regulation to declare their source of income

So now all criminal around the world can gather in Malaysia for the purpose of laundering their illegal money

Dont worry coz we wont impose AMLA on you

We have so much unsold property for you

You can start your new life in Malaysia

Monday, February 9, 2009

Dr. M: PR was a minority government

That was his stand.

Another point that have been raised was a vote of no confidence is a must in DUN

Hanief.blogspot please get the video from ntv7 news last saturday

Raja adil raja disembah
Raja zalim raja disanggah

Friday, February 6, 2009

kudakepang...jawable cepat!

dari pagi aku hantar komen kat blog dia..masih tak publish lagi


snap poll will stimulate economy faster

forget package...a poll is the best way to stimulate Malaysia economy

It should start in perak, then sarawak and lastly n9

We've seen it in permatang pauh and kuala terengganu before

The mof was so lazy to think about it

So what the ruler have to say about this

Agong hendaklah bertindak serupa jika Anwar berjaya

kalau selepas ini anwar berjaya dapat lompatan yang secukupnya untuk buat kerajaan baru dan terus jumpa YDP Agong bersama ahli Parlimen yang secukupnya di Istana

BN mesti bersetuju ianya hanya perlu diadakan di Istana sahaja dan tak perlu vote of no confidence di Dewan Rakyat

precedent case ini akan dibandingkan nanti oleh generasi akan datang...dan kita dikutuk pasal tak pandai amalkan undang2 yang kita buat sendiri


Thursday, February 5, 2009

surat pecat MB mesti ditandatangan Sultan

mana punya undang2 bgtau majoriti boleh kira dgn bilangan adun yg datang ke istana.. Tidak masuk akal

Ia mestilah dilakukan di sidang DUN melalui undi tidak percaya

Berkenaan pemecatan, Sultan cuma boleh pecat sekiranya MB disabitkan bersalah oleh mana2 mahkamah

Tidak timbul isu derhaka di sini kerana takkan lah kalau Sultan titah rogol bini orang pun kita nak laksana sbg contoh

Watikah lantik dan surat pemecatan MB mesti ditandatangan oleh Sultan bukan setiausaha peribadi beliau

Titah Sultan tidak boleh setiausaha yang tandatangan. Takkan kuasa raja diturunkan pada setiausaha. Adakah amalan sebegitu?

Siapa yang tandatangan pengampunan bg pesalah di penjara? Hakim atau raja?

Sekiranya surat pemecatan sah ditandatangan oleh sultan, Nizar boleh cabar di mahkamah kerana beliau dipecat tanpa sbb munasabah

Kalau nak buang dia juga mesti melalui undi tidak percaya di dun

Dan akhirnya dun mesti dibubarkan?

Jawab jgn tak jawab

sultan should have sign the statement!

kenapa titah letak jawatan signed by private secretary?

Adakah nak mengelak tindakan undang2?

Sekiranya dicabar di mahkamah, sahkah ia?

Mb cuma boleh diganti bila letak jawatan atau mendapat undi tidak percaya di sidang DUN!

Sekiranya undi tidak percaya berjaya, maka dun hendaklah dibubarkan bagi mendapat mandat baru?

Propaganda Ameno dlm Utusan Meloya

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

stimulus package!!!! where? where? where?

somebody complaint about the impact of the first stimulus package was still not seen

as we all knew... malaysia government lost it's direction when it comes to better fiscal policy

the stimulus package are actually meant ONLY for ameno cronies and not for us the commoners

we can do a reasonable comparison between Malaysia and Australia government package to overcome the recession

Australian emphasised more on its citizen welfare with 95% of its package goes to pensioners, children and the eligible citizen

while Malaysian channelled more on the contractors(of which mainly was BN cronies who will likely have overpriced contracts and hire foreigners like Indonesian and Bangladesh that will likely outflow our money to their origin) that have been seen as a means to fund vote buying coming PAU in March

the ameno leaders asked us to spent to stimulate economy... but can we, if we dont have the money like Australian and Taiwanese are getting thru cash vouchers

hmmmm... contractors who gain outrageous profit through Malaysian stimulus package can kept their wealth snow-ball anywhere... but can we do the same

go figure... Haris , Asri & Anif

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

mari rame2 doakan ali ketam MENANG

jom kita doakan ali ketam menang

bestnya si mat komisen ni kalu menang... kita sume SENANG

biar Muhyidin kalah...biar Mat Tyson kalah... susah kita kalu dua orang ni menang

biar Ali Ketam jadi TPM kita.... syok nya dapat bekas kerani cabuk KEMAS jadi TPM

ini lah Cemerlang Gemilang Terbilang

dia nak ikut jejak Tun Ghafar Baba



Hujah ... LIVE tonight

dont forget to watch this one hour programme on TV9 at 9.30p.m

it is live broadcast

it will debate on the current political situation...are we headed to two party system?

so ... watch out

Monday, February 2, 2009

Lompat 'Lah' Lompat...Tinggi Biar Tinggi

kemaruk betol orang Malaysia dengan sukan ekstrem baru ni

yang membanggakan kita... ianya mendapat restu dari pemimpin tertinggi negara

kalau boleh... kita perkenalkan sukan ekstrem ni sampai peringkat olimpik

sape yang dapat pingat Emas bagi insentif RM1 juta atau BEBAS langgar undang-undang Malaysia sepanjang hayat

barulah Cemerlang, Gemilang dan Terbilang