Thursday, April 1, 2010

Government procurement anti-graft measures begin today>>>this ideas suck, like asking an 'ameno' men not to be involved in money politic

for God's it just by signing a declaration would meant a bribery does not occur

Najib forgot that the decision making of who will succeed in bidding for tender and sebutharga thats count i.e. Lembaga Perolehan Agensi and Jawatankuasa Sebutharga(this is the point of the problem)

Any 'wahyu' from politician or minister will only be revealed at this stage... you bluff me arr

Come on Najib....dont play with our IQ and EQ laaaaa

Baling batu sembunyi tangan....all happen in that meeting... by phone call...orders written with pencil....too cocky la you

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